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  1. Broken Heart
  2. Getting paranoid about blood pressure now.
  3. Start College tomorrow. Scared.
  4. :-:
  5. advice
  6. anyone
  7. Advice please
  8. symptoms!!
  9. Fed up feelin like this!!!
  10. Fed up!!!
  11. Why do people feel the need to...?
  12. Tight throat and frequent yawning
  13. Lung cancer
  14. Anxiety & Panic
  15. Legs??
  16. :((
  17. Short of breath
  18. Sick to fuc**ng death of this shit now
  19. Anyone online?
  20. Sharp pains by your heart?
  21. Amen ty jesus!!!
  22. Obsessed with health concerns and dying
  23. Help
  24. Caffeine buzz
  25. Religion, superstition?
  26. Gah!!!
  27. My throat!
  28. Exercising
  29. Scary thoughts
  30. ??
  31. Message me.
  32. OCD tendencies
  33. Ughhhh
  34. I feel like I'm losing it....
  35. I cant help but thinking...
  36. muscle twitching
  37. Anxiety attacks what you feel?
  38. Sweating
  39. Has anyone?
  40. Hospital Distance
  41. Back to square one
  42. Trouble concentrating/multitasking
  43. Anyone!?
  44. We are all okay it is our anxiety
  45. Cant sleep!!):
  46. Anyone online??
  47. :(
  48. sick
  49. Joint pain
  50. My period is the beign of my existence!!!
  51. feeling trapped?
  52. Wide awake:-(
  53. So who deals with constant chest tightness and panicky
  54. Fighting the Urge...
  55. I don't know why this keeps happening, is it anxiety, or something else?
  56. im so damn dumb
  57. Sore arm
  58. Having bad panic :(
  59. Persistent Dreams About Disease
  60. Feeling fed up and low
  61. help?
  62. Woke up strange vision.
  63. Exhaustion and off balance
  64. scared
  65. Really Freaking Out- Poisoning or Anxiety?
  66. Anxious and palps rubbish :(
  67. talk
  68. Getting a cold..
  69. Anxiety or....
  70. Really low self confidence and self esteem
  71. Does anyone else feel unwell most days?
  72. Any other older women here going through pre-menopause?
  73. Heart jumping...
  74. Headed to ER
  75. Left side chest discomfort and pain
  76. Need help now, desperate
  77. Im losing my rational
  78. I'm scared I have schizophrenia
  79. what the hell was that?
  80. Anxiety and hearing.
  81. Beat anxiety using Goal Setting
  82. Pins & Needles
  83. Sporatic Fatal Insomnia
  84. Test Anxiety
  85. Problems
  86. Not feeling any better.
  87. Having a hard time help nowwww
  88. what are peoples reviews of ..
  89. What is in this tonic that makes me OK, but feel horrible when off?
  90. Something Scary
  91. vitamin b complex magnesium?
  92. One fear fades then another takes its place
  93. Just got back from the docs, Did i get the right medicine? Safe to take?
  94. i sing
  95. Panicking
  96. Back with some observations
  97. Out of control thoughts
  98. coming out..
  99. Medication please give your views
  100. im having left arm pain
  101. Dosage increase?
  102. Frustrating trying to help
  103. Difficulty distinguishing between normal anxiety and irrational beliefs?
  104. Perpetual thoughts of death.
  105. First Timer for Anxiety (due to fear of nausea)
  106. What my shrink said!
  107. Does anyone feel these symptoms
  108. Unidentifiable Condition
  109. Random shooting pains...
  110. Happy thought
  111. I cant figure it out...
  112. How long ago did your Anxiety Disorder start?
  113. Stiff neck / neck pains
  114. Help, what to dooo?
  115. Sleep well but wake up in a funk
  116. Anyone awake?
  117. what did your anxiety start out like?
  118. Anxiety back
  119. Questioning sexuality because of Anxiety?
  120. Hmm
  121. Should I go back to the Dr?
  122. NHS/MHT/G.P's /Phyciatrists
  123. Hello help
  124. I'm new here...but not to panic attacks :(
  125. Excercise, pain and worry...
  126. Anxiety attack
  127. Severe pain in my right arm
  128. Brain Zaps.... Anyone?
  129. Internal Vibrations
  130. ??
  131. The randomness of it
  132. need someone to talk to...
  133. Tummy??
  134. Social anxiety
  135. Need to know if anyone else's heart flutters and jumps!! Please!
  136. I'm very anxious and depressed.
  137. any1 else?
  138. Double vision.
  139. I dont think this is normal
  140. Panicing help :( !!!
  141. Meet ups
  142. help and some advice pls!
  143. Anxiety attack with sharp pains by your heart
  144. Propranolol
  145. Has anyone tried Rescue Remedy for their anxiety?
  146. Fatigue. Being tired.
  147. Eating Issues
  148. why
  149. Help
  150. Can someone help!
  151. Please please please i need help :(
  152. is this anxiety?
  153. Anxiety Question
  154. Giving up on everything...
  155. Does anyone use phone apps to help?
  156. My blood pressure.
  157. Gad?
  158. Stomach and heart
  159. Mirtizipne ( Remeron advice) Anxiety & depression help
  160. pulsatile tinnitus.. link to anxiety?
  161. Stomach issues and heart rate questions
  162. question on chest aches and pains
  163. weird sensations
  164. Excellent article about anxiety
  165. Weird question?
  166. Anxiety vs Stress vs harmless?
  167. Weird sensations
  168. Im terrified
  169. Questions About "The List of Symptoms"
  170. Do you look other drivers when you are waiting for green light?
  171. Chronic worry n anxiety
  172. Partner suffering with health anxiety - need some advice, please!
  173. Worried Husband
  174. Propranolol again
  175. Chest discomfort
  176. Surgery with Anxiety
  177. Having anxiety attack help
  178. How's everyone today?
  179. New and distraught.
  180. Tackling the Problem Head On
  181. Chest pressure/tightness
  182. Anyone get these symptoms?
  183. Someone h
  184. Pain in my chest and stomach arggggh
  185. Hey
  186. Does everyone find their G.P /phyciatrist/MHT/crisis team/therapist to be good???
  187. Could my GP have missed something?
  188. Panic or anxiety attacks everyday why?
  189. Picking OCD
  190. No sleep
  191. Random thud in chest
  192. Havenīt been posting here for a while now
  193. Dear Anxiety, *join in on the rant!*
  194. Does this happen to anyone else??
  195. Dizziness...vertigo.... Now odd feelings....Going crazy and struggling
  196. Dehydration and Anxiety???
  197. Eating
  198. Forever on an SSRI/medication? Can I ever get off or is it a life long commitment?
  199. Anger and health anxiety
  200. Anxiety Energy
  201. Mother in Citical Condition
  202. Heart going crazy and cant breathe.
  203. Where are you from?
  204. What sort of anxiety?
  205. Anxiety over my pets
  206. It feels like something is eating my brain
  207. Does
  208. I think im having a panic attack now!! advice
  209. Head anxiety
  210. I've been anxious and scared the whole day
  211. Having a good day
  212. Anxiety about eating
  213. 7 Days on Cymbalta
  214. I feel like suicide everyday
  215. Coping with back to school anxiety.
  216. Re-Posted from "Welcome"
  217. Pulse in eyes!!!!!
  218. Advice... Help.... Anyone
  219. Sharp pain in throat
  220. Smokeless Tobacco for Controlling Anxiety
  221. anyone??
  222. Anyone awake??
  223. Questions.
  224. Loud pulse in ear
  225. What is wrong?
  226. Feeling like you're in a dream?
  227. Please someone help me please
  228. New here
  229. Anxiety during pregnancy
  230. In ER... Again.
  231. Oh my gosh
  232. urghhh
  233. anxiety before starting period
  234. Strange Insomnia
  235. please check this out... I think its interesting
  236. Help
  237. I need some proven advise please!!!
  238. Has anyone heard of Relora MAX
  239. Anxiety attack i think help
  240. Alcohol and Anxiety
  241. When anyone has a panic attacks what do u feel?
  242. Seriously!?!?!?
  243. Hows my blood pressure...
  244. How is everyone ?
  245. Urgh :(
  246. do smart phone apps work?
  247. Forgetting how to swallow
  248. After an attack
  249. Ok...
  250. Can anyone relate??