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  1. Birthday
  2. My life is so hard....
  3. I feel as though my life is over
  4. bad week
  5. Suffering from Trich..
  6. Throat symptoms!
  7. Leaving School because of Anxiety sucks.
  8. What do I do!?
  9. Pains in chest :(
  10. My anxiety - suffered for 4 years. Getting very fed up.
  11. Being bullied at work
  12. Heart concerns
  13. Nausea trouble
  14. medical advice? wrong place to come but worth a shot! lol
  15. medical advice? wrong place to come but worth a shot! lol
  16. Placebo effect
  17. Heart attack
  18. Every day pains
  19. I really need replies! I dont know what to do!
  20. lifes one big struggle :(
  21. Tummy Issues!
  22. Falling into the sky?
  23. Brain chills/Shivers
  24. Scared to speak ?
  25. Sinus infection
  26. Anxiety vent
  27. Chest pains
  28. Worried
  29. Anxiety :(
  30. Heartbeat..
  31. Tips?
  32. Muscle ache
  33. Multiple sclerosis fears, any advvise...?
  34. Medication?
  35. Panic attacks :(
  36. Head chills
  37. successful international travel alone, without meds
  38. To: nicole123x
  39. Help!!! Out of anxiety context
  40. don't understand
  41. Stressed
  42. So stressed :(
  43. Anxiety help?
  44. ???
  45. Chest pain arm pain!
  46. Panick attacks and my story
  47. Scared to fly
  48. created free dating/meeting site for those with social anxiety calmSocial.com
  49. Back ache
  50. Morbid thoughts!
  51. Back again!
  52. Anxiety sucks
  53. Go away anxiety plz
  54. Heart skipping beats?
  55. No meds
  56. Ativan + Dramamine?
  57. hey im new to this..
  58. Scared to go to the dentist
  59. Is rhinoplasty really RISKY ?
  60. Shortness of breath
  61. Help!!!
  62. Extremely Weird Headrush , Need help!
  63. My experience told on my own video - hopefully inspiring!
  64. Heart beats
  65. Anxiety or Love?
  66. This is IT!!
  67. Death in family+ break up with bf= total hell
  68. constant pain and fear of the worst
  69. choking feeling ??
  70. has anyone else lost their parents to cancer?
  71. I am going to shoot myself
  72. What helps you sleep?
  73. Fingernails
  74. does this sound like anxiety
  75. Symptoms
  76. Anxiety prone personalities
  77. Xanax and drinking
  78. should I find a new therapist?
  79. Bp
  80. Symptoms of anxiety?
  81. I don't know what's going on anymore.
  82. Annnnnnnddddd.... the irrational fears are back...
  83. I just want my brain back.
  84. pissed and aggrivated
  85. Falling off the wagon
  86. Anxiety pains
  87. feel tired drained all the time
  88. need help
  89. Do you think too much knowledge make things worst
  90. How to stop beating yourself up
  91. I need help...going to the doctor tomorrow
  93. Someone PLEASE tell me im not alone
  94. Healthier eating
  95. relaxing
  96. Stressed :(
  97. Nervous about doctor visit today
  98. Breathing
  99. Venting.
  100. Sound like anxiety?
  101. What do you take?
  102. Help! Breathing !! Shortness of breath!
  103. college anxiety
  104. why do i feel like this?
  105. Advice and help needed!!
  106. Respiratory arrhythmia! Anyone Else?
  107. I just got engaged..so why do I feel so anxious?
  108. Stressed out and worried, advice needed please
  109. Fear of developing schizophrenia, please help
  110. does it ever end??
  111. Making me question everything and it just doesn't stop...
  112. Another trip to urgent care
  113. Sleeping Issues?
  114. disconnection
  115. 24 hour egc
  116. Arghh!!!! Back pain
  117. Losing it!!!
  118. My heart and my anxiety
  119. Do you have other physical symptoms of anxiety then the basic ones...?
  120. Anxiety and panic disorder
  121. Hands in mouth
  122. I could use some helpful advice!
  123. Panic/anxiety attacks without mental symptoms
  124. Anxiety help
  125. So sick.. Shortness of breath
  126. Panic attack in store
  127. My latest perspective on anxiety disorder
  128. went 4 days !
  129. Help
  130. Stop Causing Your Own Anxiety!
  131. Rem sleep disorder maybe
  132. 24 hour egc
  133. Flight on sunday! Help
  134. Lonely
  135. New Symptom....yaaaaaayyyy.....
  136. Message me to talk about anything
  137. Know it all!!
  138. Is this anxiety related?
  139. Hi everyone
  140. why does it get me everytime I go out?!
  141. weird..... help?
  142. chamomile tea ?
  143. What to do...
  144. Fluttering chest
  145. Chamomile tea
  146. Obsessing over fears, is there a fine line? Anxiety VS something else.
  147. herbal remedies and tea any good for anxiety???
  148. My instencts were right
  149. Generalization Anxiety Disorder
  150. Sharp shoulder pain
  151. help need answers
  152. Fuck It Therapy- Say Fuck It and Face Your Fears
  153. Help required on a situtaion
  154. just read something that has made my day so much easier.. might help someone else to
  155. Anxiety or a bug !!!?
  156. sick of selfish people...
  157. Bad
  158. I need help!
  159. Can people die from anxiety?
  160. The Vengeance of Anxiety
  161. Dizziness
  162. Inverted t wave on ecg
  163. chest issues!! any help is welcome
  164. Short of breath
  165. anxiety and asthma
  166. I think I have anxiety because I actually want it?..
  167. Finger Pulse and Oximeter
  168. Help
  169. Extreme anxiety.
  170. Cheer Up!
  171. Everyone could use a little laughter!!
  172. Anxiety or Tired?
  173. Hello
  174. Scary thoughts anyone?
  175. Constant thoughts
  176. Finally
  177. Sick of it
  178. Hello World!
  179. Posting threads.
  180. How do you distract yourself from Anxiety
  181. I need help
  182. Not panic attacks
  183. Anyone deal with this?
  184. Help
  185. I wanna help
  186. Dentist fear
  187. I Survived My Flight!!!
  188. Facing my anxiety... Kinda
  189. How I overcame the biggest step
  190. Has anyone had a 24 hour egc???
  191. facebook
  192. Hypersensativity
  193. tension headaches!
  194. Una osservazione
  195. Doctor just called
  196. Fear of death! Constant.
  197. Hurricane sandy
  198. Giving up the fight..
  199. General Anxiety Disorder - well I think
  200. New here
  201. Eating Disorder and Anxiety- how can I cope?
  202. Panic attack ADVICE PLZ
  203. Extent of anxiety
  204. Chamomile tea
  205. Lips are tingling.....
  206. Anxiety attack
  207. Racing thoughts driving me off the walls!
  208. Work is stirring shit up!!
  209. Fight or flight
  210. Hypnotherapy
  211. Happy halloween!
  212. hello people guess what?
  213. Help with bad Anxiety
  214. Anxiety Symptoms Help
  215. OCC and constantly worrying over family health
  216. Zoloft question!
  217. Muahahahah
  218. Does anyone else have this?
  219. I just need someone I can talk to bout this :'( anixety is killing me im so scared.
  220. Exercise, exhaustion and anxiety
  221. Bad Day :(
  222. eyesight
  223. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook
  224. Newbie!
  225. muscle twitching,thoughts and zoloft??
  226. Advice appreciated I cant cope feeling this way any longer
  227. dizzy!
  228. heartburn/heart attack?! anynone? please!
  229. Extreme Anxiety
  230. Feeling so ill again! what can i do?
  231. am i nuts or do other have problems just as crazy
  232. benzos and anxiety meds
  233. hi, all about me
  234. a ramble, only read if you've got a lot of time spare lol
  235. Getting all my old symptoms again, feeling ill! HELP!
  236. Getting Mad.. Very Bad Language, you've been warned.
  237. bad health anxiety
  238. Aching arms mainly left
  239. Dont know how to not worry...
  240. so ..
  241. Spiritual Failure
  242. Anxiety so bad you don't breathe
  243. fed up today. proper, proper fed up.
  244. alcohol and anxiety
  245. Supplements
  246. what now!
  247. messed up dreams
  248. stomach issues cause anxiety symptoms
  249. Heart troubles
  250. chinese herbal medicine anyone?