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  1. community treatment team...reassurance needed!!
  2. Talking to my roommate about my anxiety
  3. i found this self help for anxiety you may like it
  4. Nightmares
  5. my anxiety is definitly due to being a pessimistic person....
  6. Link to info so that my parents can understand
  7. Share my progress with All of you!!!
  8. Feeling like I can't move at night.
  9. good days and bad days
  10. New Therapist - New Treatment
  11. I feel so weird, it is like I can't even explain it
  12. Cranial Sacral Therapy??
  13. Does panic attack causes permamnent nerve damage ?
  14. I'm feeling better
  15. How are you all??
  16. uncomfortable to talk about, but I might as well get it over and done with
  17. Quick, temporary fixes
  18. Welcome to My Nightmare
  19. Book store
  20. Concentration/Memory
  21. Reflux Remedies?
  22. hello everyone im new here
  23. Confused
  24. First hitout today
  25. Support Groups in Los Angeles
  26. Bad day today.
  27. had a good day today!
  28. jaw / teeth clenching
  29. where did paniccured thread go?
  30. Just had an anxiety attack
  31. Neurotherapy??
  32. 11 weeks pregnant & bad anxiety, please advise xoxoxoxo
  33. Burning Sensation on scalp
  34. Over it !!!!
  35. Any personal advice on Paxil??
  36. Venting. Feel so alone.
  37. had a pretty bad migraine....
  38. Eating?
  39. Chest pains and back pain
  40. Heres whats up, i need your help plzz
  41. Restroom Anxiety
  42. not sure what to call this
  43. How i took the power back from my anxiety
  44. Thyroid problem
  45. Question for Florida Residents about medicaid Doctors, prefferably Southwest FL.
  46. Something finally clicked.
  47. red eyes :/
  48. Scary thoughts
  49. Feeling Mellow or Blah.. Wondering why
  50. Mild attacks of anxiety: seek short-term treatment?
  51. Feeling very anxious at the moment
  52. what I've learned about humanity
  53. Head aches
  54. Does this sound like anxiety?
  55. A week for me!
  56. I just received my paxil!
  57. Citalopram 20 anyone?
  58. I took my first paxil right now
  59. bad taste
  60. I feel like I'm losing my mind
  61. This feeling is awful!!!
  62. frustrated...
  63. pain and weakness
  64. I can't talk on the phone
  65. Anxiety anticipation
  66. going out
  67. pub
  68. Nightmares From Celexa
  69. The Moment You Trigger the Panic Attack
  70. weight loss and delayed effects coming off effexor xr
  71. Worried again.
  72. Anxiety hits me at night the most.
  73. Feeling like I'm going insane tonight
  74. Freaking out today.
  75. I had really bad anxiety 2 years ago and ive never quite recovered...
  76. Great cbt phone app
  77. First panic attack
  78. Anxiety Affecting Work
  79. How long does this last?
  80. Anxiety for years
  81. Headaches???
  82. Issues with Increasing Paxil Dosage
  83. Who I am and what I have.
  84. Flu/Racing heart
  85. Anxiety behaviour cycle?
  86. Can Poor Diet add to Anxiety?
  87. pregnant cat
  88. How long do your panic/anxiety attacks last??
  89. Cold sweats..
  90. Anxiety disorder that developed during pregnancy
  91. Again!!! :/
  92. nigh time anxiety
  93. high feeling from anxiety
  94. do you ever experiance tingly legs with your anxiety???
  95. Irrational/Unrealistic Fears
  96. My GAD what should I do?
  97. What are my options?
  98. Poking fears - does anyone else do this?!
  99. How the hell did I get to here?
  100. Anxiety, fear & Xanax
  101. Those Rocking, Swaying, Water Sloshing Around In Your Head Sensations!
  102. Sleep Quality
  103. Hemorrhoids question
  104. vivad dreams
  105. distract yourself immediatly you have negative sub-conscious thoughts.....
  106. How to deal with things beyond my control!
  107. Acute Anxiety & Panic
  108. How to get over severe anxiety of medical test results
  109. Doctors (or any other profesionals) with high anxiety
  110. Weird fear of detachment/forgetting and experiencing "vibes?"
  111. need help with anxiety
  112. I've done something terrible, and I'm feeling awful about it
  113. stressed about the stress
  114. Performance addiction
  115. Anxiety Questions - Driving me nuts
  116. still can't think of a title for this, but please read
  117. Cant take much more - health anxiety,GAD,OCD,panic attacks and depression!!!!
  118. Long term anxiety symptons
  119. Paxil increase
  120. Need your feedback please...
  121. genetic or life event?
  122. I just published my blog on anxiety... Have a look? (:
  123. thought for the day
  124. Return of Panic attacks,,,help
  125. Excessive, Obsessive Daydreaming
  126. Panic Attacks About Partner
  127. Constant anxiety?
  128. Need help in calming down and coping (sorry, long)
  129. Anxiety and Derealization
  130. Happy Easter everyone!
  131. Desperate
  132. The Never Ending Anxiety Attack.
  133. The anxiety or the meds?
  134. how is everyone getting on?
  135. Feeling anxious
  136. Somethimg really weird just happened
  137. Please help me. Please.
  138. Work
  139. I'm am scared, frustrated, and tired of feeling this way; Could use any help at all!
  140. General observation
  141. What could this be!
  142. So angry!
  143. Can anxiety cause symptoms to last weeks?
  144. Weed
  145. advice on my thumb please!!
  146. Anxiety support
  147. New here. My story. Need help.
  148. Help :(
  149. Full blown panic attack during sleep
  150. Need help
  151. Fix me
  152. First time taking anxiety/depression med - Pristiq
  153. B complex! OMG
  154. Has this happened to anyone.
  155. Just one of those days
  156. Anxiety Symptoms when not even feeling anxious??
  157. I feel horrible about what I did
  158. please read, need advice xoxox
  159. Anxiety or Health Concern?
  160. Dang it
  161. Spasms and anxiety??
  162. shortness of breathing with anxiety
  163. What happened?
  164. derealization, please help.
  165. how our anxiety started
  166. Small dull pains cause anxiety
  167. I hate anxiety!!
  168. Can somebody identify my problem?
  169. internal shakey feeling
  170. What I have learned with all my anxiety, panic...and issues.....
  171. quick tips 2 calm down?
  172. Does anyone else get this?
  173. Blood Tests?
  174. Can anxiety cause your face to go numb?
  175. Confused about which vitamins help anxiety
  176. I think im crazy
  177. Occasional night time anxiety and don't want to use antidepressants :)
  178. Anxiety About Death!!!
  179. Sexual Anxiety?
  180. Your advice please!
  181. How did you kick anxiety's butt today?
  182. should i stop taking this herb ?
  183. potential to be a hoarder...
  184. Which one is better?
  185. Wanted: New York area phobia sufferers
  186. Dreams and anxiety
  187. New member Anxiety
  188. new here.. anxiety?? scared!!
  189. Hello, My Story and Advice Welcomed :) Thanks
  190. For the Ladies ... Citalopram and Periods
  191. The Viscious Cycle
  192. Psychologist shopping - hypnosis experience?
  193. Hi I'm new. 31 yrs old mum of 2 wanting advice on hypnotherapy and diazepam
  194. Tingling?
  195. Wondering.
  196. getting weird anxiety over my ex girlfriend, please help
  197. Am I suffering from anxiety?
  198. Sinus
  199. Anxiety and hangovers
  200. went for a 2 mile walk today may have overdone it
  201. Is anxiety contagious?
  202. Rough evening/night
  203. leftside of body weakness
  204. tingles for days!? please help
  205. Frantic & Agatation
  206. Strange Symptoms My Therapist Has Never Seen
  207. Panic attacks when getting BP read...
  208. Shakey Hands
  209. Anxiety and travelling
  210. Anxiety Tension State ??
  211. One Month In-Update
  212. Anxiety in ur eyes
  213. overcoming anxiety without meds?
  214. How to aproach the Doc.
  215. My Small, Positive Steps to Overcoming Myself!
  216. Struggle town - population: me
  217. Panic Away
  218. no sleep and anxiety
  219. your opinions please
  220. Severe Anxiety & Short-Term Disability
  221. Calcium Magnesium Zinc
  222. Hey guys its me again.... back with an update
  223. Scared of nothing......
  224. Anxiety head feelings
  225. Propranolol
  226. introduction
  227. Help!!!
  228. Fear of heart problems
  229. I Need help :( coping with panic disorder and unbelievable stress
  230. Anxiety and tirdness
  231. Tightening in chest n hard to breathe.
  232. sorry to ask but...
  233. I can't take it anymore!!
  234. Drove today...
  235. Stomache Heartbeat
  236. Anyone else get these feelings :(
  237. Has this ever happened to you?
  238. Paxil Update
  239. Tmj
  240. Did Not Know This !!
  241. anyone experienced this!?
  242. Burning & Electrical Pain
  243. Chronic worrying and anxiety
  244. Weird feelings at the store
  245. New here, with health anxiety
  246. Starting Zoloft - Input from others using this drug?
  247. whats your opinion of the best medication? and your experience
  248. Head and body feel weird
  249. don't really understand my feelings/ do not want to go on meds
  250. good god how life tires me