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  1. I never get heart palpitations... is this still classified as a panic attack?
  2. Was this a panic attack or something more (I think it is)
  3. How bad is bad?
  4. Anger is striking back.
  5. How Anxiety Begins and How It Ends
  6. Hypochondriac. Worried...again. Help?
  7. Happy and discouraged all at the same time
  8. I have Found a natural alternative to Pharmaceuticals to deal with my anxiety
  9. anxiety symptoms for me
  10. Anxiety while driving- Fear of losing control
  11. It''s all in my head. I do all in my head
  12. They said it's all in my head
  13. State or nothingness.
  14. Why do I worry about everything and all of the time?!
  15. when will it stop???
  16. yoga dvd
  17. Time anxiety
  18. Scared of losing someone I don't know that well?
  19. My story
  20. I tried
  21. Herbs and Supplements for Anxiety and Panic Disorder
  22. Going Mental?
  23. It's Getting Unbearable.
  24. are these anxiety symptoms?
  25. Bruxism and Jaw Clenching...
  26. panic attacks have started again
  27. Stuck in a dream
  28. Going to a Movie Alone
  29. So Confused.. Please Help!
  30. Mad, mad, mad!
  31. First Aid for Anxiety / Panic attacks?
  32. please please please ease my mind
  33. Symptoms of Anxiety?
  34. little advice please
  35. My story
  36. Sink or Swim?
  37. Does this sound like just anxiety?
  38. Oh my god!
  39. anyone else with these symptoms?
  40. im sure everyone remembers me
  41. Another Strange Feeling.
  42. Android phone app that's helped me
  43. New Anxiety Sufferer -- Afraid to Sleep
  44. Separation from wife
  45. Hallucinations or not
  46. I feel soo alone
  47. is this anxiety
  48. I can't get this Thought Out of my Head
  49. Health Anxiety-heart skipping
  50. New Here, Citalopram, Lorazepam
  51. New in this forum: Suffering from General Anxiety and Panic!
  52. Anxiety + GERD making life impossible.
  53. Service Dogs
  54. Sleep Issues Again, along with some disturbing thoughts. 2AM major rant!
  55. blue hands still scaring me to death cant get past this one!
  56. panic attack may have to been vertigo what do you all think
  57. help iv relapsed
  58. Learning to Deal
  59. Would love some insight on my case
  60. Is this feeling caused from my panic and anxiety or is it something serious.
  61. Worried That I Have a Brain Tumour...
  62. Just a curious question
  63. hi guys , can anyone relate to this??
  64. where to go from here
  65. Tiredness?
  66. random phrases popping into my mind before sleep/during meditation
  67. A success story I'd like to share
  68. ativan for vertigo
  69. Will this ever be cured
  70. Tired of feeling this way
  71. Marijuana Triggered Anxiety Problem!
  72. Are You Being Too Hard On Yourself?
  73. anyone???
  74. I need some help
  75. panic attack vs diabetes
  76. Wierd symptoms - I'm 99% it's anxiety - anyone felt similar?
  77. Avoidant personality disorder questions
  78. Really Need some Advice or Feedback :-( very scared
  79. help?
  80. hypochondria strikes again?
  81. Severe Headache help!
  82. Lettting it all out
  83. Anxiety, Sleep problems! HELP
  84. Sensitivities to Everything
  85. Hypochondria is getting the best of me...
  86. Returning
  87. feel realy ill
  88. Got some horrible news and looking for support
  89. Sudden Anxiety Problems
  90. anyone?
  91. Anyone here interested in trying something different?
  92. Has this ever happened to you?
  93. Agitation - Pacing & Walking
  94. Feeling depressed during long bouts of anxiety/panic attacks
  95. Shoulder Blade Burning
  96. Zoned
  97. in need of help.
  98. Help!!!!!
  99. Hello - Do i have an anxiety disorder?
  100. My anxiety
  101. My anxiety
  102. Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I am one
  103. It can be done!!!!!
  104. my CBT councelling seems to be making me worse?
  105. Diazipan, what do they do?
  106. I think I'm getting attached to my therapist! More problems...
  107. Can Anxiety Do This ???
  108. Just had an attack
  109. Anxiety and palpitations
  110. restless leg syndrome and buspar
  111. Loved ones...
  112. Can this really be stress/anxiety?
  113. vitamin d deficiency
  114. could this mean parkinsons
  115. two questions
  116. negative
  117. Sugar Free mints for anxiety? (need suggestions :/ )
  118. first therapy/counseling session today and book rec
  119. Extreme Nausea & Cramps
  120. Its my thinking causing my anxiety, any help please?
  121. Meditation & Anxiety
  122. The dreaded breaking point....
  123. Anxiety - Reflux - Serious discomfort
  124. Is this considered anxiety?
  125. Exercise Intolerance
  126. Lots of new symptoms out of the blue, all anxiety?
  127. fear of vision
  128. quick question on calcium
  129. Is This Anxiety ???
  130. Stuck emotions
  131. a week of klonopin kicked my panic cycle in the ass!
  132. Whats the alternative?
  133. favorite herbal teas?
  134. Extreme Anxiety over Specific Tasks - Advice Wanted!
  135. Does Reading & Studying About It Make It Worse??
  136. Death anxiety is ruining my life...
  137. another question
  138. Reframing a stressful situation
  139. Is this normal anxiety?
  140. Can you be fired for having anxiety/depression?
  141. Rebound anxiety?
  142. Starting therapy/CBT for first time in my life -- what to expect?
  143. Has anyone gotten chiropractic care to relieve anxiety?
  144. Has anyone read this book?
  145. does it ever end
  146. anxiey and panic advice on help.
  147. First Panic Attack In months! Terrified of amebic meningoencephalitis!!!!
  148. Need some kind of reassurance pertaining to potential 'Heart Problem Anxiety'
  149. Fear Of Symptoms - HELP!!
  150. nursing
  151. Does anyone else worry about exercising?
  152. Health Anxiety
  153. good news guys, i found the solution to anxiety!!! (my conclusion)
  154. Help
  155. st. johns Wort
  156. Relaxation & Meditation Problem
  157. Gratefull for any replies
  158. Suffered with severe anxiety and panic from 5th grade.
  159. need someone to talk to.. :(
  160. Insomnia & Symptoms
  161. Scared
  162. Does anyone else have anxiety that acts like this?
  163. New here
  164. Weird thought patterns
  165. At it again...
  166. Could really use some advice on my symptoms
  167. Travelling - Advice please?
  168. Fast Heartrate Upon Waking
  169. Anxiety about body odor
  170. Holiday anxiety
  171. Anxiety about health
  172. Meditation & Relaxation
  173. hypochondria??!!
  174. anxiety skin sensations
  175. uti's
  176. please help- post-op extreme anxiety
  177. Can It Really Be This BAD??
  178. Sudden Breakdown/heart palpitations/passing out
  179. I really don't understand..
  180. Taking stress to another level
  181. anxiety causes depression ?
  182. POST: Carbon Dioxide - Breathing & Anxiety
  183. How Did Your Holiday Period Go?
  184. How to stop mild but annoying physical symptoms?
  185. Its a long post. I appreciate any feedback. TY
  186. Can someone advise on tight throat muscles, yawning and gagging please?
  187. is my gf causing my anxiety?
  188. Help/advice/can anyone relate?
  189. change in sleeping pattern
  190. Not sure whats wrong with me
  191. I need some advice...or a book suggestion.
  192. Please help me get better. :( (long-ish post, questions at the end)
  193. do i have anxiety
  194. Morning anxiety
  195. Holding your breath to cure hyperventilation/anxiety?
  196. Looking for advice...
  197. Meditation & Relaxation Techniques
  198. Depersonalization
  199. I am back!
  200. Panic attacks at work
  201. stopped taking ADs what are the effects
  202. Completely detached
  203. anxiety trying to come back
  204. One big raw nerve !!
  205. Im new and need some help people
  206. Ok, I've got the blues and sadness really bad today. Stayed at my mom's for the past
  207. i think its coming back :(
  208. Take the test
  209. Ventolin versus anxiety
  210. musce twitches
  211. muscle spasms or palpitations
  212. Hand me a cigarette please?!
  213. update
  214. gerd and anxiety how they relate and how overcome ?
  215. Using alcohol to attenuate anxiety symptoms
  216. Something To Know About Anxiety !!
  217. Abused Children Are Not At Fault, But The Parents Certainly Are
  218. Job is causing my anxiety.
  219. If You Have Heart Anxiety This Should Help!
  220. Worry and insecurity - looking for support
  221. Dizziness and Numbness please read!!!
  222. Fear of devolping schizophrenia
  223. fear of swallowing and automatic beathing
  224. OK What Works ??
  225. Anxiety/Acid Reflux & GERD
  226. Gut Pain 24/7
  227. Maybe an odd question...
  228. Another possibly odd question since I'm on a roll tonight...
  229. Is this normal
  230. Can anyone provide some information please?
  231. Need To - Have To - Can't ????
  232. Overwhelmed
  233. spacy feeling when driving
  234. Horrible Nausea
  235. havent posted in awhile help please
  236. Panick attacks when I am sleeping..
  237. Not sure if anxiety or something else
  238. Waking Up Anxious
  239. Learning more about anxiety
  240. drawback symptoms
  241. How can I feel less anxious?
  242. 10 Tips to help for those with daily anxiety and panic symptoms :)
  243. Job causing severe anaxiety
  244. nausea while eating
  245. Silly Question
  246. here to help, but also seek advice
  247. Having a bad day
  248. Natural Anxiety Pills and Liquid. anybody try this stuff??
  249. tough day today
  250. Save me :'(