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  1. Focalin XR Has Been Approved for ADHD
  2. Mental Health Cases Still Go Untreated
  3. Amish Build Home for the Mentally Ill
  4. A Quiz Can't Determine a Teen's Mental Health
  5. Mental Health Treatment is on the Rise
  6. Tetanus for anxiety & depression?
  7. Write! for your mental health
  8. Another use for Biofeedback in tackling mental illness
  9. US ranks highest in mental illness; less than half treated
  10. What is Mental Health Really?
  11. Gene linked to Depression & Anxiety Weakens Mood-Regulat
  12. Social Anxiety Disorder sufferers may be avoiding Doctors
  13. Dads Can Suffer Postnatal Depression Also!
  14. Brain Pacemaker Could Ease Depression
  15. Teen Mental Health is on the Decline
  16. Future Federal Benefit Drug Wont' Cover Some Anxiety Drugs
  17. Low Birth Weight Has been Linked to Mental Health
  18. Link between Stress Hormones & Depression and Anxiety
  19. Social support helps ease stress
  20. 'Unlearning' fear through short interval repeated exposure
  21. Social Phobia treatment research using meds & CBT
  22. Using Virtual Reality to cure Phobias
  23. Single session treatment helps children overcome phobias
  24. Source of Phobias? Research leans towards the Amygdala
  25. Overcoming Agoraphobia - family support makes a difference
  26. Mental Health Community vs Tom Cruise
  27. Help for healthcare related phobias
  28. Treating Phobias
  29. Serotonin linked to body's sleep/wake cycle
  30. FDA renews warning about antidepressants & suicide
  31. Antidepressant meds reduce risk for heart attack survivors
  32. Hong Kong slowly acknowledging Depression
  33. FDA Approves Brain 'pacemaker' (followup)
  34. How Food affects your Mood
  35. Social Behavior tracked in Human Brains
  36. Performance Anxiety in Young Musicians
  37. APA kicks off College Mental Health Campaign
  38. AMA Argues Against SSRI Restrictions for Youth
  39. Belly Fat Caused by Stress?
  40. Connect with Nature to Reduce Stress
  41. Does Religion Help/Hurt Recovery for Mental Health problems?
  42. Voice Awards honors Brooke Shields, others
  43. Grapefruit Juice and Medication - do not mix!
  44. Omega-3 helps depressed heart attack patients?
  45. Understanding Bullying
  46. Long-term Depression & Schizophrenia Studies Nearing End
  47. Postpartum Depression Awareness Campaign
  48. Soldiers returning from Iraq with Mental Health Problems
  49. Using magnets to treat depression?
  50. Talk therapy for preventing repeat Suicide attempts
  51. Multiple psychiatric drugs being prescribed for more kids
  52. Using Virtual Reality to treat 9/11-related anxiety
  53. Books Prescription for Depression?
  54. More school psychologists needed
  55. Stigmas about mental illness in the workplace
  56. Alcohol Dependence & Anxiety Disorders
  57. Family therapy helpful for children with mental disorders
  58. Legislation to undo Medicare's Benzodiazepine Exclusion
  59. New model of PTSD treatment for soldiers
  60. Mental Health Support on the Battlefield
  61. Parents with mental disorders & their children
  62. Paroxetine linked to increased suicide rates in adults
  63. Recognizing and addressing bullying
  64. Does Loneliness Impair the Immune System
  65. Mental Health Needs of Youth post-Crisis
  66. Mental Health Grants for Hurricane Katrina victims/heroes
  67. More Katrina Mental Health News
  68. Sleep Apnea misdiagnosed as Depression?
  69. Treating depression in youth - antidepressants helpful?
  70. More support for CBT in overcoming Phobias
  71. Meditation for Psychological and Physiological benefits
  72. Opposition Arises to Mental Screening in Schools
  73. Depression Follows Risky Teen Behavior
  74. Mental health ambassadors to assist teens
  75. 40000 children on prozac just need to talk
  76. Eating disorders and anxiety go hand in hand
  77. Depression common among "baby boomers'
  78. European Union takes first steps to tackle mental health
  79. Drug-Crime-Mental Health Link!
  80. Brain structure link to anxiety
  81. Online therapy for depression in the works
  82. The Fear Gene?
  83. Tuberculosis Drug helps Social Anxiety disorder treatment
  84. May is Mental Health & National Anxiety Awareness Month!
  85. Vitamin D!
  86. OPTOGENTICS, new cure for anxiety, depression,brain disorders!! PLEASE READ
  87. Lost
  88. Help me friend
  89. Unexplained Anxiety! PLEASE HELP!!
  90. Protect yourself from the bulllies around you.
  91. does anyone else suffer from a psychiatric disorder and ibs?
  92. Dr Claire Weeks book. Self help for your nerves
  93. Books
  94. Anxiety & Travel
  95. Anxiety & Weather
  96. Dynorphin: Why Anxiety Won't Go Away
  97. Banana Peel Tea?
  98. Not the best morning..
  99. Anxiety and a conscience
  100. New here
  101. Distractions act as a band-aid
  102. Anxiety
  103. Buspar - Thoughts and Comments please!
  104. Scared & Anxiety
  105. Anxious & Frozen with Fear
  106. Chronic Stress Exposure In Fathers Can Lead to Anxiety Disorders in Daughters
  107. A Great Infographic on the Effects of Anxiety
  108. Ambien and Klonopin
  109. first week on klonopin
  110. Hi... New here to this forum
  111. Need help with strength
  112. My experience told on my own video - hopefully inspiring!
  113. My anxiety
  114. Is my anxiety gone ???
  115. Cant sit still
  116. Just feel so alone
  117. seperation bringing back my anxiety.
  118. Give me strength i'm on a constant roller coster
  119. Freaking out
  120. Effexor
  121. scared of the hype 2012
  122. Fear of Medication
  123. Does anyone experience skipping heart beats daily from there anxiety?
  124. what should i do?
  125. Newbie
  126. Anyone exsperiance this??
  127. Average
  128. hi
  129. Here I go again! Ugh!!!!! Advise please!
  130. beach
  131. Anniv of bad event
  132. mess
  133. Anxiety and Vitamin D deficiency
  134. Energy Therapy
  135. If you feel like you cant talk
  136. Anxiety update
  137. Anxiety ridden :'(
  138. night before/before work anxiety
  139. Need info about medication!
  140. Eating phobia!!
  141. Google this it may help.... Its called buspar!!!!
  142. On the road to recovery
  143. Today's challenge
  144. chest ,hearts
  145. Help: has anyone felt overheated
  146. The App
  147. Sleep
  148. Cant do this anymore!!
  149. New here
  150. Panic attack
  151. Scared about the future
  152. Afraid of it happening again
  153. Coffee!
  154. Happy easter everyone
  155. Day gone wrong already!
  156. Depression and anxiety at same time
  157. Citalopram
  158. phycedellic theropy
  159. Anxiety & depression
  160. Books to Help
  161. Severe nausea
  162. PM
  163. Work and depression etc
  164. Shane Bevan
  165. Anxiety and mild depression
  166. Lost it completely
  167. Shane Bevan
  168. Health Anxiety
  169. Looking for people from Australia!!
  170. Anxiety about everything is ruining my life and confidence! Cant stand it !
  171. its raining
  172. Was i wrong to complain against my therapist?
  173. Judie
  174. Funds for therapy
  175. Bournmouth
  176. Good news x
  177. Panic at bedtime
  178. Yo
  179. Judie
  180. sorry need 10 posts
  181. Wish i know...
  182. Ibs & anxiety - help please ?
  183. Hoping All of You Smart People Can Help Me Out!! (:
  184. Unusual sensation in my gums
  185. is it anxiety?
  186. I cant sleep
  187. anxiety during pregnancy help
  188. I hate this i hate this i hate this
  189. Help!
  190. Is anyone from mid wales on here please!?
  191. Medication for panic attacks? Im on lustral tablets at the moment
  192. New anxiety which has taken over my life, cant stop worrying :(
  193. Anyone on here near aberystwyth or sorrounding areas??
  194. Help
  195. :(
  196. Anyone from Singapore?
  197. Lumiday: Is It A Natural Treatment For Anxiety?
  198. anxiety and eating again
  199. nausea and dizziness?
  200. Want to know about relation between menopause and weight gain!
  201. the nature of things............changing your mind episode
  202. hello
  203. Sudden wave of numbness and hopelessness
  204. Read:) anxiety UK charity
  205. Test
  206. For anyone in Australia...
  207. Citalopram
  208. Remeron
  209. How to combat anxiety for good
  210. Fear of loss..is making me loose everything
  211. Very new to anxiety!
  212. Feeling really anxious lately.
  213. So scared
  214. Clonazepam
  215. Went to see a psychiatrist today:)) Advice?
  216. worried, brain tumor
  217. :-/
  218. don't like this
  219. Psychedelics
  220. I need support.
  221. Hey All! Pleaaaase help.
  222. I need help....
  223. We are now using coloring books just like Nazi Propaganda did with the Jews.
  224. Real Loss is Really Scary and Anxiety Producing too!
  225. Hypochondriac mother is affecting my relationships and life, need help!
  226. Ear pains.
  227. Question about chat room...
  228. Plants to help medicate
  229. fear ....
  230. I don't feel normal
  231. Switching from Celexa to Zoloft
  232. does it ever get better
  233. Colouring Books for Adults to Reduce Stress
  234. Anxiety attacks and hunger
  235. Fear of glasses that leads to headache
  236. Phân phối Bột lông vũ 80 đạm toàn quốc. LH 0975 005 303
  237. The other scary 'm' word...
  238. Rabies Scare- Help!
  239. Anxiety in the news
  240. Why can't I cry anymore?
  241. The mushroom that cures almost EVERYTHING!!!!
  242. ANIXETY FORUM REDIRECTION LOOP - Trouble Loading Page?
  243. Is this really anxiety??
  244. The Epidemic of Mental Illness
  245. Important
  246. Men & Women Experience Depression Differently: New article
  247. Argh
  248. Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  249. Our Fake World
  250. Mental Health Chatrooms