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- Geelong 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 �� 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞& (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- The Who - Substitute #1. honk (0 replies)
- Tennis #1. honk (0 replies)
- Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo #1Provo (0 replies)
- we writing da music to play on da musical instruments. honk (0 replies)
- watching da seals froliking in da sea wot could be better. honk (0 replies)
- Rudolph Walker #1. ... honk (0 replies)
- Andy Williams #1. honk (0 replies)
- F Troop #1 honk (0 replies)
- PIANO #1. ..... honk (0 replies)
- raddish on toast with butter #1. honk (0 replies)
- living by da sea #1, honk (0 replies)
- sesame seed oil #1. honk (0 replies)
- extra virgin olive oil #1. honk (0 replies)
- only pay cash 4 burner phones. honk (0 replies)
- very happy today. (0 replies)
- deck chairs. honk (0 replies)
- retired deriter (0 replies)
- The Hunger Soundtrack Track 1. "Trio In E Flat. honk (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- Outbound Mon, 11 Nov 2024 (0 replies)
- ETA EDI december 2024. ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ (0 replies)
- stormy seas. 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- seals. 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- hang 10 . 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- 📞 ☎️📞 ☎️📞 ☎️ The Doormaster says phone NOW! (0 replies)
- 📞 ☎️📞 ☎️📞 ☎️ waiting for the call! (0 replies)
- basecamp Glasgow. ... honk (0 replies)
- Zombietoid = poos. ... honk (0 replies)
- base camp #1. ... honk (0 replies)
- da BRONX #1 honk (0 replies)
- Mexico #1 honk (0 replies)
- i am a young black girl BRONX usa ... 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨�ᦙ (0 replies)
- da big sherlock clue is, turn left at da stairs. look out da window, da ocean see. (0 replies)
- howis da poos not no how to ride a horse. honk (0 replies)
- vegemite #1 honk (0 replies)
- we can read sheet music and luv da beach. 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- poos is confused. not JB you out of luck there son. look elsewhere. honk (0 replies)
- The guy who signed up as PeterAndersonIsARacist is a virgin... (0 replies)
- play da piano in da bronx ... honk (0 replies)
- hang 10 awsome surf. surfs up.🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- peterpoos cry at no birthday cards.honk (0 replies)
- peterpoos get do birthday cards.honk (0 replies)
- we are here in perth waiting peter phone now.... 📞 ☎️📞 ☎️📞 ☎️ (0 replies)
- James is a closet faggot. (0 replies)
- Phone!📞 📡 🗣 🔋 🌐 🤳 💬 📷 📲 📶 ☎️Phone Now!📞 📡 🗣 🔋 🌐 🤳 💬 📷 📲 📶 ☎️P (0 replies)
- Lovely day today, nice and warm. (0 replies)
- Sugar free chocolate cake is full of goodness for a happy tum tum (0 replies)
- Home sweet home: the places people never leave (0 replies)
- perfect name for peter anderson William Afton the serial killer who murdered children (0 replies)
- Tokyo Japan #1 廙 輦 充 (0 replies)
- we R now on X, waiting 4 da Blue tick. meet up there. 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳 (0 replies)
- we are happy ..................... honk .... life is good. (0 replies)
- Playing dum computer games = so bad = no rating at all. Sorry! (0 replies)
- Fiji #1 Honk. (0 replies)
- Aotearoa #1 (0 replies)
- Sorrento Ghuznee Street. #1 (0 replies)
- Stewart Island #1 (0 replies)
- Australia #1 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞 (0 replies)
- how do peterpoos have da girls titties. (0 replies)
- Australia #1 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞 (0 replies)
- 2 play in band #1 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷�� 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻 (0 replies)
- peterpoos can no play da harmonica. (0 replies)
- peter anderson is a liar. (0 replies)
- on ya bike son, ride da red book over da bridge, james is looking, oh my. (0 replies)
- glitchypoos (0 replies)
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��& (0 replies)
- The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black (0 replies)
- Floppy Head wishes they has a bike with fat tyres and ape hanger handle bars. (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert2 (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- satire comedy funny hilarious joke art comics fun ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̾̆̕̚͝ (0 replies)
- retards retards retards retards retards retards retards retards honk honk honk (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild off the planet extraordinaire, #1 Yo! (0 replies)
- Brutalist architecture, dem buildings are a hit. google #1 Yo! (0 replies)
- Appaloosa horses, we love you. (0 replies)
- Horse riding is awesome. (0 replies)
- Robots can sign into websites and carry on a conversation. Oooh wow! (0 replies)
- Always handy to carry a piano tuning kit. (0 replies)
- Yamaha pianos have very good tone. (0 replies)
- Coldplay - Clocks (0 replies)
- The Night of the Iguana, we loved this film (0 replies)
- we love u peter can u get da little red book from ur library ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̾̆̕̚͝ (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- phone 1800Dot500Cal phone now! (0 replies)
- The Block Party: A Novel. We love The Block Party. (0 replies)
- @Michael Does Life is an ugly bald old past it transvestitie. (0 replies)
- Michael Does Life wears Lipstick and girls panties. (0 replies)
- Michael Does Life has not been in any films, loser. Arsehole. (0 replies)
- Saturday Night Fever, we loved this film. (0 replies)
- Yeah, baby! (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild is a WWE fan! (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild simply rocks! (0 replies)
- James Berich is a hater... (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild is a great actor! (3 replies)
- thesaunderschild is waiting on Silent Hill 2... (0 replies)
- These other thesaunderschild accounts are from an impersonator... (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild speaks the truth about Resident Evil... (0 replies)
- Mr Bates v The Post office, we watched this three times. (0 replies)
- The Magnificent Seven, the original was the best with Yul Brynner. (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁ (0 replies)
- poosiseverywherepeterissmellypooypeter (0 replies)
- 404 Sorry, Page Not Found... (0 replies)
- peterpoos = just a failure (0 replies)
- Jodie Matheson, from Glasgow Rainbowtoast123 .. HONK. (0 replies)
- jivein in da skootland. edinburger jivin weeeee weeeee off we go jivin. honk. (0 replies)
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- have you been to Switzerland (0 replies)
- Goofey Honk Honk (0 replies)
- sherlock = another 10 years at least. or longer. however long it takes, yes! (0 replies)
- patrickooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (0 replies)
- Barlinnie is lovely this time of year. (0 replies)
- peterpoos miss da boat. hooooonk. (0 replies)
- major goops booooooooooooooooooooooooooooom (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- on da phone to directors, keeping dem up to speed. (0 replies)
- keeping all dem directors up to speed. (0 replies)
- peterpoos no like it, but dem stuck with it. (0 replies)
- da dulvey dumbo saga retardos everywhere. (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- sarahk fat fat fat tat thiighs fat bum (0 replies)
- sarahk is a fat skank, Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- social rejects have no friends = 0 (0 replies)
- peterpoos + no cards = cry (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird Escorts pimples on shrunken dry vagina. (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird BLUBBER.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Rejected by family = Yes. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- PhattyPeter liked by prostitutes = 0. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- PhattyPeter + extra = whiteballed. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- LadyBellaBird lawyer in Tayside, Scotland (0 replies)
- CaveVaginaLaura. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- LauraNoLoveMe. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠ (0 replies)
- Australia! 🐨 (0 replies)
- gypsylee... (0 replies)
- da legal beegals stuck in da lift. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- da pooter run out of soap. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- SamboFattySniggerPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- SamboPeter SamboFattyPeter GolliwogPeter FattySamboPeter (0 replies)
- SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- thesaunderschildaustralia#1.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠ (0 replies)
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠ (0 replies)
- he is Peter A again. A male who is the biggest pest the forum has ever had. htt (0 replies)
- 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 (0 replies)
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- "hasta la vista, baby." (0 replies)
- peter collects unusual shaped poos. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Soon, I will be ditching my accounts and pseudonyms online (0 replies)
- Omar Harrak: The Dulvey Saga. (0 replies)
- Omar Harrak: The Dulvey Saga. (0 replies)
- Omar Harrak: The Dulvey Saga. (0 replies)
- So now Google is getting £12.99 from my bank account every month (0 replies)
- 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇸 🇦 🇺 🇳 🇩 🇪 🇷 🇸 🇨 🇭 🇮 🇱 🇩 (0 replies)
- Peter Gunn. (0 replies)
- Peter did not attend the funeral or the burial. (0 replies)
- PPP:// 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- peter do da big poos in pants today..p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛ (0 replies)
- yeah stay away from your sister peter, you are a deranged psycho. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_ (0 replies)
- all the worlds law firms are in peterpoos rektum. them all there folks take ur pick.. (0 replies)
- sooooo da nhs, why not, peterpoos want to soo everyone else. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__ (0 replies)
- 27923 (0 replies)
- peter stalks me 24/7 on the internet.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- the only thing to save the looney is exorcism.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- respect is earned da looney has none...Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk! (0 replies)
- s̳t̳r̳a̳w̳b̳e̳r̳r̳y̳ b̳a̳n̳a̳n̳a̳ s̳u̳n̳d̳a̳e̳ =̳ p̳e̳t̳e̳r̳ a̳n̳d̳e̳r̳s̳o̳ (0 replies)
- ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ ▀̿& (0 replies)
- da yellow tie wid da sparkles ready 4 next week.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ (0 replies)
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ (0 replies)
- Glitch.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ (0 replies)
- OS/2 Warp 4.. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Os/2. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- da front tooth fall orf. ༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ (0 replies)
- _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__🚕_ _ _ _ _ (0 replies)
- ⛅ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 ✈ 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__ (0 replies)
- nemesis game over..🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Glitch the end..🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- hurry up wid legals..🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- peter can not type. peter not know what da pencil is.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗̄̉̈́̓͠ (0 replies)
- da seashells by da seashore.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&a (0 replies)
- peter is funny.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝ (0 replies)
- peter cut from waves crash because do big poos in pants before filming starts.p̸̾̕̚͝ (0 replies)
- I hear what you're saying, Shagger.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛& (0 replies)
- 🄿🄰🅃🅁🄸🄲🄺 🄲🄾🄽🄽🄾🄻🄻🅈 (0 replies)
- peter farts on the bus.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝& (0 replies)
- (0 replies)
- peter got anus warts.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝ (0 replies)
- Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- Glitch.🕷🐊 (0 replies)
- da usb stick gone forever (0 replies)
- peter pee in bath.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝ (0 replies)
- Glitch..𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞ# (0 replies)
- peter fill pants with da big poos.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛ (0 replies)
- peter live in crime ridden shitehole.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛ (0 replies)
- p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͍͛̽̈́̕͝ͅ (0 replies)
- tricksp̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͍͛̽̈́̕͝ (0 replies)
- 𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා (0 replies)
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️ (0 replies)
- Glitch (1 replies)
- Born to smell (0 replies)
- peter anderson has fleas in his hair (0 replies)
- peter anderson aka typhoidpeter, shoes make squelching noise wid da bacteria (0 replies)
- peter anderson (0 replies)
- HONK! HONK! very persistant with da horn son, sorry mom. (0 replies)
- HONK HONK! the adventures of mom and son on route 66. wee off dey go. (0 replies)
- da peter anderson + da slipup loose lips = phoning da pros wid da details (0 replies)
- Glitch (0 replies)
- da sadrags + peter anderson + no condoms = green card go strt to da groping room (0 replies)
- Glitch (0 replies)
- Glitch (0 replies)
- da peter anderson no zero about da australia = fail = red card off da field. (0 replies)
- peter anderson think ussr still exist = red card off da field. (0 replies)
- How stupid is this imbecile, PeterAndesonIsARacist? (0 replies)
- dumboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (0 replies)
- Glitch (0 replies)
- 🙎🏿peter anderson is a racist retard who hates black women 🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿 (0 replies)
- (0 replies)
- Peter chases and scares young girls at the park. (0 replies)
- Glitch (0 replies)
- sandgropers (0 replies)
- Australia ring ring ring (0 replies)
- leithstinkyboy da folk put on da nosepegs when da smell creeps down da street (0 replies)
- I love Arnold. (0 replies)
- gas leak leath stinky boy clears street again. roger over and out. (0 replies)
- leith films with arnold do not want extras, so do not apply they will blacklist you (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh... (0 replies)
- James Berich and his late night burger orders... (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Scotl (0 replies)
- James Berich and his Perth. (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Sc..l (0 replies)
- James Berich cares... (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh... (0 replies)
- James Berich is lame. (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, .. (0 replies)
- James sucks! (0 replies)
- thesaunderschild rocks! (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh (0 replies)
- James Berich fears thesaunderschild... (0 replies)
- James Berich commits arson with Pepsi bottles... (0 replies)
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Scotl (0 replies)
- Chris Morse and his balls shot into a basket... (0 replies)
- James and his stairs... (0 replies)
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